For your convenience, our most common customer questions are answered right here.

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Q: In what locations does CoreChoice provide service?

A: CoreChoice is nationwide, offering access to over 1 million health care providers.

Q: Are there any special procedures to schedule a patient?

A: No. The referring physician can send the patient to a radiology center or medical specialist of his/her choice. If the radiology facility, neurodiagnostic testing provider, pain management provider and/or facility is in the CoreChoice network, a “clean claim” will be recognized and expedited for quick processing and payment. Patients also have the choice of being treated at a radiology facility of their choice.

Q: Who deals with the physician reports?

A: The CoreChoice philosophy is that medical care should be returned to the doctor and the patient. Radiology reports, neurodiagnostic testing results, and interventional pain management treatment reports are sent to the referring physician so that immediate attention can be directed to patient care. A report must be sent to the insurance carrier along with a completed CMS 1500 or other billing form within a timely manner and in accordance with any state regulations.

Q: Can a radiology facility, neurdiagnostic provider, interventional pain management physician or facility apply to be part of the CoreChoice network?

A: CoreChoice is always interested in expanding its specialty network. Facilities and providers can request application and credentialing material by writing to us at All providers and facilities must be fully credentialed with their respective certifying body.

Q: How many providers makes up the CoreChoice network?

A: Over one million providers are a part of the CoreChoice network, allowing us to offer total national coverage for our self-insured, payer, and other insurance industry clients.

Q: Does CoreChoice use reference based pricing?

A: CoreChoice has the ability to structure a full service network of medical providers and facilities, including hospitals, at reference based pricing.

Q: What types of companies use CoreChoice?

A: We are proud to work with many clients, such as self-insured clients, insurance carriers, other insurance payers, union groups, healthcare systems, and more. If you’re curious of the wide array of clients we serve, we have a list of some of them on our Clients page.